It’s my Chanukah wish to bring a little light and joy at the darkest time of the year.  I learned from one of my best friends and teachers, Rabbi Michael Moskowitz the value of healthy irreverence- play with tradition, play with ritual, play with convention- we can discover new things we never thought possible. 

It can be easy do get bogged down in the heaviness of the day, the news, the stress, the incivility, the selfishness, the… you fill in the blank. I made a decision to hop in the studio, play guitar and sing my buns off and have some fun all while doing it. In the words of Jonathan Bayer, “Once you commit, the rest is easy.”

I’m blessed to have help from some beautiful humans who made this recording possible.  Abundant gratitude goes to Mark Niemiec who helped record, produce, engineer, and mix this little ditty. Mark also played drums. Nathan Meckel played electric guitar. David Dorn played keys. Layne Ihde played horns. 

And so, I present to you, with love and good vibes from Raleigh, NC…



Put the candles in the window
Show the world how we can glow
On Chanukah
Eight nights of miracles 
We celebrate and dedicate
On Chanukah

Spin the dreidel, win some gelt
Have a party- treat yourself
On Chanukah
Sour cream or applesauce
Put ‘em both on your plate 
‘Cause you’re the boss
It’s Chanukah

Grab the oil, grab the pan
And fry some potatoes as fast as you can
‘Cause the latkes are just what we need tonight
Bubbe and Zadie are on their way
To hang out on this holiday
We don’t have school tomorrow
We’re staying up late tonight 
Oh yeah!

In the darkest days of our year
We’re gonna shine our light to blot out the fear 
And remind ourselves we’re gonna be alright
In a world torn by violence and pain
We’re gonna dedicate ourselves again
To a world that sings a peace loving refrain 

They tried to kill us
We survived
Let’s eat

A message from my home...

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to check in. I am currently at home with the family. I am spending a lot of time in the home studio— writing, playing, and recording music. Each day I am finding new ways to stay connected with everyone through technology. Please stay at home and be safe. Enjoy your family. Keep an eye out for neighbors. Hopefully, I will be visiting and singing with all of you soon.



Happy Birthday, Dan!

GUCI + 50 = Happy Campers

Enjoy it!!!



Aleinu L’shabei’ach literally means, “It’s upon us.” 

Last winter Ellen Dreskin flew down from New York to join me in my home for a couple of days of study and creative work focused on what’s going on with Aleinu L’shabei’ach.

Here’s what we came up with.

If Bar’chu at the beginning of the service can be thought of as “The Call To Worship” then it might be reasonable to think of Aleinu L’shabei’ach at the end of the service as “The Call To Action.”  We have shared our communal redemption story through moments such as Mi Chamocha;  we have remembered the deeds and faith of our ancestors through the Amidah; and we have re-calibrated and re-energized our spirits in communal expression of our dreams and visions.  Hopefully, the process of prayer during the worship service has made some kind of impact that changes us for the good.  With this in mind, Ellen and I crafted an English setting for Aleinu L’shabei’ach that intends to explicitly unpack the core themes of our responsibility and the world’s need for action.  

For more background regarding Ellen’s perspective on Aleinu L’shabei’ach click here.

Folks of all ages from all over the country have been asking Ellen Dreskin and me for a recording and sheet music for this new setting. 

We’re delighted to share it with you.

It is available for free.

We are offering two recordings and sheet music.

One version is a piano/vocal in MP3 form. The piano is performed by Jef Labes from Rodef Sholom of San Rafael, CA

The second version is guitar/vocal in MP3 form.  I am playing the guitar.

The sheet music is in PDF form.



Happy Camping

Summer Solstice. June 21, 2018. It's going to be a long day. The first day of summer. Dan kicked off his 19th year of Jewish summer camps last week at GUCI.  This week Dan traveled out west for Camp Newman. He is now taking in the salt air and stairs. He definitely is getting his daily cardio in.  Just thought I'd let people know where Dan is. Hope to get an update from the man himself soon. Make the most of this long day and everyday. #Campful

New Lecha Dodi?

A new Lecha Dodi? Not sure, but wanted to share. Here’s a little demo. I wanted to explore some of the verses we don’t usually do where I go to pray. Let me know what you think.”

Ninja smooth

Just for fun. “Dan makes a smoothie with his new Ninja Blender. Shh. It’s a Ninja.”

Shabbat Shalom from Springfield

At 6:30 tonight I’ll be celebrating Shabbat with Temple Sinai of Springfield, MA.  I’m delighted to be working with Cantor Martin Levson. I hope to sing and pray with you there!

EquationCast featuring Ava Nichols

EquationCast featuring Ava Nichols

Last year’s math homework project. Ava had to write, produce, and perform a program about equations. I got to be her special guest. Warning: This is Dan at his cheesiest. 

Rodef Shalom Congregation

Shabbat shalom and Chag Sameach!  I’m back in Pittsburgh at Rodef Shalom Congregation where I first learned,  

 ”If you do what you’ve always done

You’ll get what you’ve always gotten

You’ll be who you’ve always been.” 


Wishing you a sweet Shabbes! 



Hinei Mah Tov for Ron Klotz

Hinei Mah Tov for Ron Klotz July 23, 1994

In 1994 the director of Goldman Union Camp Institute, Rabbi Ron Klotz decided he would take a new job at the UAHC Kutz Camp in Warwick, NY.  We at GUCI thought it would be nice to send Ron off with a celebration of his time with us at GUCI. The voice you hear at the beginning is that of my friend and program director, Michael Moskowitz, now Rabbi Michael Moskowitz of Temple Shir Shalom of West Bloomfield, MI. This setting for Hinei Mah Tov may be the first Jewish song I ever wrote.  GUCI still sings it today.  I get chills when I hear GUCI cheering for themselves singing something new, with the purpose of honoring one of our own, our beloved, Rabbi Ron Klotz.